when they're in their uniform. oh did i mention its a NURSE.
a nurse kissing on the escalator. thanks man, what if a tourist sees HUH.
oh, in your school uniforms too, although its not THAT bad.
but wait, its still bad cause you'll get stares hahahahah.
well anyway, while most people are at simpang eating their PRATAS, or sleeping like pigs on their warm cosy beds, guess what 3L was doing...
having amaths get together with our wonderful mrpoh.
from 7:40 - 9:00
ohmy, at this rate we'll all die of maths of something.
but surprisingly, i discovered i can do maths from 7:40 to 9:00!
nothing special today, just that i got whacked by czh for playing scissors paper stone with felicia under the table..
and it was chongrui's birthday today, and people said he got raped, his body was drawn on, he was oiled, he was pillared, and he was given hot pink crocs.
too bad i was at the canteen, ahhhh D:
well, i wasn't there, that's what i heard haha.
i pity boys when it comes to the time of the year where they celebrate their birthday D:
nothing much happened really, except i got called to go out of the classroom by mrs mohan and i got shocked :O
ohwell its kinda good news. maybe i should really write descriptive essays during exams or something haha!
well, lets reply to tags first.
12th september
ray: eeyy he sucks lah.hahaha,cool.
{hahha your cool effects yo. so how was today! tell me about it man!}
ngik hiong: i want a hamster too!!!!! but mum dun let coz she say alrd got rabbit

{hamsters are SOOO cute right! x] rabbits are cute too la! ^^}
13th september
Flameworks: lol hamsters run around the house if they get loose and eat everything down.. rarr..
{you don't have a hamster eee scammer haha! hamsters don't eat everything down, they're as cute as spongebob! teachers are damn cool hahahah!}
ray: BOY,IM DRAINED.dead
{i'm drained too rarrr!}
m le: helloooooo. stop squinting at me. wahaha
{hellooooooo! you squinted first anyway WAHAHAAHA lol. compare eye size yo! and we've been doing that since...tuesday i think LOL}
GB: dw stop rarr-ing everywhere u go. u'r not a doggy are u. *pets dw* nice doggy. and zzzah my blog is dying lol
{LOL! nice statement, but ZZZAH isn't much better, unless its meant as zzz ah LOL. k i'll be so NICE as to tag hahahaa}
m le: u win lah.i think ur eyes are like small can.
{haha whatever la D: it looks super small with specs maybe haha!}
emma: M LE YOUR EYES ARE AS SMALL AS MINE OKAY! anw squint at each other we can't see each other oO annia win la hahaha
m le: then we combine lah.then annia sure lose de
{HAHAHAHA. combined then can win her zzz. abit pathetic haha!}
emma: hahahaha combine become damn BIG yayy hahaha. aye why are we comparing eye size xD anyway mine's still bigger ;D
{okay actually its not really bigger -.-}
m le: big doesnt mean its good ok.dust goes in more easily
{got eyelashes can le la! trap dust like camels haha. and got wider scope of vision!}
emma: LOL got long eyelashes big eyes also nevermind~ camel yo. nevermind big eyes cannotplay squinting game oO
m le: dont play with u le.i go sleep.good night.
{lolol k end of game then, goodnight. it'll start tomorrow ahahahahaha}
Flameworks: flamed like flameworks, noobs!
{nobody flamed nobody, NYEH. noobs and gays say NYEH. xDD you're supposed to go like, nyeh, flamed like flameworks, rarr..boo... HAHA oO}
k i'm done with posting its 12:02 now xD
byebye nights!
and i shall upload ALOT of photos one day!
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